Bereavement System

System Owner: Rebecca Allen / Lynn Dummitt

Purpose/Scope: To provide spiritual care, comfort, and compassion within theCrossroads UPC through a nurturing supportive ministry to those that are bereaved and grieving loss. To offer love and support for the bereaved church member who has lost an immediate family member: husband, wife, mother, father, son, or daughter.
  1. Contact the bereaved family of a church member to extend love and support and to determine if meals will be needed.
  2. Provide a Throw or Peace Lily prior to the viewing/wait and funeral/homecoming service.
  3. Coordinate with volunteer and preparation to bring food on a rotating basis to the bereaved
    church member.
  4. Convey to the Pastor and church members any known opportunities for further ministry
    for the bereaved family
  5. Exception will be left to the discretion of the pastor and church administrator.

This system has been reviewed with me and I have had an opportunity to ask questions and discuss pertinent details. I understand my role on the team.