Choir System

System Owner: Choir Director

Purpose and Scope:
This system is to guide the choir in facilitating an atmosphere of praise and worship that creates an opportunity for everyone who attends services at theCrossroads to have a meaningful experience with God.


Member Responsibilities:
  1. All members will acknowledge and agree to theCrossroads’ Choir Commitment and will uphold all expectations as outlined in this form.
  2. All members will have a Planning Center (People) account from which they will receive materials (links/song attachments) for songs the choir is scheduled to sing. 
  3. All members will be responsible for updating their Planning Center (People) contact information when necessary, to ensure that they continue to receive information regarding choir songs & practice schedules.  
  4. All members will be responsible for notifying the choir director at least 24 hours prior to practice (in non-emergency situations), if they are unable to attend a rehearsal. 
  5. A member unable to attend rehearsal will not sing in the choir on the following Sunday unless otherwise specified by the choir director or the Pastor. 
  6. All members are expected to be familiar with the songs that are scheduled for an upcoming service, prior to rehearsal.
  7. All members are expected to arrive on time for practice and be ready to begin rehearsal upon arrival.
  8. All members should rehearse during practice as they would sing or play during the actual service—with excellence.
  9. All members should strive to remain on task during practices, with respect for one another’s time and with focus on the task at hand (keeping sidebar conversations at a minimum).
  10. All members are expected to have each song rehearsed and ready to minister when they arrive to service.

Choir Director Responsibilities:
  1. The choir director will have access to, and a working knowledge of Planning Center (People)
  2. The choir director will select two choir songs (or as otherwise specified by the Pastor) for every Sunday service, and will send out a weekly CCB email containing the music links and lyrics to each song selected, at least 48 hours prior to rehearsal each week. 
  3. Any new songs sung/played by the choir must be approved by the Pastor prior to being placed on the service schedule.
  4. The choir director is expected to refer to the Preaching Plan or communicate with the Pastor directly, in order to select songs that compliment a sermon, series, or theme for special events.
  5. The choir director will ensure that all selected songs sung and played by the choir contain lyrics and chord charts, and are easily accessible in Planning Center Online (PCO) for musicians and Pro-Presenter workers. 
  6. The choir director is expected to provide a song list and lyrics to members of the multimedia team who are scheduled to operate Pro-Presenter for designated services, prior to scheduled practices.
  7. The choir director is expected to select songs that encourage praise and worship, edify the congregation, and flow smoothly in transition (with consideration for scriptural soundness/content, style/genre, themes, keys, and tempo).
  8. The choir director will communicate with all members when changes in scheduled practices occur (cancelled or postponed, etc.) via CCB, at least 48 hours prior to the originally scheduled practice.
  9. The choir director is expected to stay aware and watch for any signals or changes directed by the Pastor during the worship portion of the service and will follow accordingly.
  10. The choir director must get approval from the Pastor prior to adding new members to the choir. 
  11. The choir director will ensure that all soloists receive training on how to operate their designated microphone, during rehearsal.

Worship Responsibilities:
  1. All members should be present on the platform and ready to lead in praise/ worship at the time specified by the choir director.
  2. All members are expected to lead the congregation in praise and worship by example (as active participants during the song service, preaching, etc.).

Post-Worship Responsibilities:
  1. All members are expected to exit the platform at the end of song service as instructed by the choir director.
  2. All members are expected to attend the rest of the service as a member of the congregation.

This system has been reviewed with me and I have had an opportunity to ask questions and discuss pertinent details. I understand my role on the team.

Commitment to theCrossroads Choir

After reading this commitment form, I understand and feel I can meet the requirements asked of me. As a member of theCrossroads, I make a commitment of my calling, gifts, time and ability to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. I understand that with accepting this calling upon my life come privileges as well as responsibilities. I am prepared to fulfill my commitment and will faithfully endeavor to:

  • Obey the teachings of the Word of God
  • Follow and support the leadership of theCrossroads and be loyal and submitted to Pastor
  • Live a Godly example everywhere I go for others to see His grace, mercy and glory
  • Be faithful and on-time in my attendance to services, including the Sunday morning worship service and/or Wednesday midweek service, as well as all special services (striving not to miss more than 3 of these services per month—unless discussed with Pastor ahead of time).
  • Be faithful and on-time to all scheduled choir practices and inform the choir director at least 48 hours in advance (in non-emergency situations) if I am unable to attend. 
  • Familiarize myself with all songs scheduled for upcoming services prior to choir practice, to ensure that practice will flow smoothly. 
  • Be faithful in my stewardship, such as tithes and offerings.
  • Strive to dress modestly and respectably and in a way that brings God glory and attention rather than myself. 
  • Strive to maintain a consistent prayer life

I am committing myself to theCrossroads Choir ministry for a period of 3 months. Should I desire to participate longer in this ministry, I understand that I may renew my commitment 3 months from now (but am not obligated to do so). I am actively pursuing a closer relationship with Christ and desire to grow in my walk with Him. I commit to abide by the Word of God and if at any time I am unable to fulfill my commitment, I will communicate this to the choir director or Pastor personally.