The Power of Story
Oct 21, 2020 • A.J. Dummitt • Fishers of Men - Part 3
The power of story—and of words—is undeniable throughout the Bible, both Old and New Testaments. LIVING OUT LOUD IS THE BEST, but you also need to use WORDS when you have the opportunity. Humble words. Healing words. Wise words. Gentle words. Grace-filled words. In this service we will answer these two questions: (1) How do we talk about God in a way that’s full of clarity and passion? (2) How do we convey our personal faith stories in a way that’s humble and interesting? We would love to see you in person, and we are thrilled that you are joining in with us online. Let's allow God to use the power of story in the lives of people around us! (Streaming License # CCLI: CSPL043706)