Sunday Worship - FAITH IS - September 13, 2020
What Mountain in your life needs to move? We have seen God answer prayer, and respond to our faith so many times. What is important to you that God do, but is impossible for humanity to accomplish? If you are in an impossible situation - it could be JUST THE THING God has orchestrated in your life to increase your faith! FAITH isn’t a FEELING, FAITH is a KNOWING! Some of us struggle with this. Our faith goes up and down based on the circumstances and seasons of life. You are not the first, and you will not be the last. Don't miss this exciting time of spiritual encouragement and the powerful presence of God. We would love for you to consider joining us in person if you are able, and we are very glad that you are gathering with us online. Thank you for joining us today as we build our faith on the Word of God! (CCLI Streaming License #: CSPL043706)