Prayer Team System

System Owner:  (To whomever owns this system - the parts regarding prayer requests and weekly communications were updated by Tiff on 7-20-2020.). You're welcome!  :)

Purpose during church services:
To pray for the LORD’S will to be done in our services, and for a special anointing on Pastor, speakers, ministry, church members, and guests. (Matthew 18:18-20, Romans 8:26-26, 1 Timothy 2:1-3, James 5:13-16)

Purpose in General:
To encourage the church membership in praying and communicating with God on a regular basis. To pray for the requests received from connection cards on Sunday. Focus prayer will be on specific needs of the church, guest, community, city, state, nation, etc. Make prayer meeting(s) available to church members each week, and host a monthly 24 hour prayer chain to culminate in an all church prayer meeting.


The system owner will be responsible for planning and scheduling prayer team members for each prayer service, Sundays, weekly prayer opportunities, and monthly prayer chain.

The system owner will be responsible for scheduling prayer leader for Sunday services and weekly prayer opportunities.

The system owner will be responsible for contacting the Pastor each week for any special/specific prayers needs for that week.  (If they are on the online connection card or paper connection card, Tiff sends them to Pastor after the service.)   Anyone who is made aware of one through the week is able to let him know by text or call and can add it to the Prayer Team themselves or let yourself, Cathy Dummitt, Lynn Dummitt or Tiff Hansbro know and we will add it to the Prayer Team Group and email it out to everyone. 

The system owner will be responsible for contacting prayer team by mass text or email if any special prayer request/needs come up, and to weekly communicate the prayer needs from the connection cards on Sunday. (FYI to whomever owns this system, this is currently being handled by Tiff Hansbro in regards to compiling a list from paper and online requests and then sent to Sis. Cathy for the weekly mass email.)
  • Get connection cards from Elder Dummitt after service
  • Go to Planning Center Forms (
  • Click on "Connection Card" and look for that Sunday's date - Click on each person who filled one out for that Sunday
  • Copy and Paste their Prayer Request or Praise Report in Prayer Team to yourself and Sis. Cathy only - then she will send the mass email with the prayer focus for the week and any other message she wants to relay to the team
  • Click on "Prayer Request / Praise Report" and look for that Sunday's date - Click on each person who filled one out
Go to Groups in a separate tab/window on your computer for easier copying and pasting
Click on Prayer Team
Click the box beside Cathy's name and your own name and then scroll back to the beginning and click the email icon
Fill in the subject as "Prayer Requests from (date)"
Copy and paste all online requests from "Connection Card" into the message section and then click Forms again and check all of the ones in the "Prayer Request / Praise Report" form and then type in all the ones on the back of paper connection cards.
When you have finished typing in all prayer requests, click SEND and it will tell you your message was sent.

Sunday Service Prayer:
Prayer team will start prayer in prayer room at 11:15am. Prayer in the prayer room will end at 11:55am. This prayer time will be open to all that are able and willing to pray for the will of God to be done in our services.

Weekly Prayer Opportunities:
Prayer leader will lead the prayer meeting or have materials to give it focus. Prayer opportunities can be scheduled on any night, but would most likely work best on Sunday Nights from 5 to 6pm.

Weekly Communications:
Prayer Team System Owner will communicate the prayer requests and praise reports to the prayer team each week following the Sunday service. This can be done with a special prayer focus for each week. Communication is important to keeping everyone on the same page.  (FYI to whomever owns this system, this is currently being handled by Tiff Hansbro in regards to compiling a list from paper and online requests and then sent to Sis. Cathy for the weekly mass email.)

Monthly Prayer Chain:
The prayer team system owner will be responsible to produce and fill a 24 Hour prayer chain for at least one weekend per month. The goal is to have at least 2-3 people praying at the church for 2 hour shifts starting on Friday night at 8:00pm and going through Saturday night at 8:00pm. Saturday Night should be promoted as an all church prayer meeting from 6:00 to 8:00pm.

This system has been reviewed with me and I have had an opportunity to ask questions and discuss pertinent details. I understand my role on the team.