Service & Series Decorations System

System Owner:

The purpose of the Series & Service Décor System is to keep things looking as fresh and interesting as possible for our members and guests that attend theCrossroads. Using thematic elements during a preaching or special series can dramatically improve the way people will interact and remember those meetings.

  1. This system will require creativity, and should involve those willing to think outside the box.
  2. The system owner will get information on upcoming messages and series from pastor directly.
  3. The system owner will work with others to get ideas on how to engage our audience for the special themes.
  4. A list of suggestions will be sent to pastor by the system owner at least 2 weeks in advance of the published series, message or event, with approximate costs.
  5. Pastor will then give direction on which elements he feels would be best, and the authorization to move forward with the plan for the décor.
  6. If changes need to be made prior to the décor being put in place, pastor will be the final approving authority for all changes.
  7. Each time pastor decides on a theme, or title for upcoming Big Days, Events, Messages or Series – he will share them with the System Owner for brainstorming.
  8. This system will also be encouraged to make suggestions for upcoming events, and series that would be helpful to the church.