Website System

System Owner:

The system owner will be responsible for coordinating the people who will keep the website up to date and looking great. They will be the point person for any changes to the website specifically and will work together with the App system owner to make sure both the website and app have the same information available.


The purpose of the Website is to have a landing page for those who are seeking for more information about theCrossroads to have an easy and centralized place to go to find all of that information online. Most people are going to check out a church online or on social media before they visit in person. Keeping our website current and appealing is of the utmost importance.


Getting Started - First, any admin or editor will need to be added by one of our church Subsplash administrators in the back office of Subsplash dashboard online. They will do so by going to and logging in with their log in information.
  • Once inside the dashboard, click “Settings” on the left side of the page, then click “Users” on the left side of the page.
  • If you do not see the person that needs to be added, then click on the blue button in the top right hand corner of the page that says “Invite user”. You will then be prompted to invite them via email.
  • Once they respond and get logged in, they will be able to have whatever access you have granted them.

LOG IN - using the process above with your email and password. (Go to and log in.)

CLICK ON WEB - On the left side of the page, click the tab that says “WEB”, then click again on the tab that says “Website”.

IF YOU ARE NEW - If you are not used to working on websites or this type of website, refer to this link: which is also accessible by clicking the (?) question mark symbol at the top right of the page. This will give you access to plenty of helpful material and should answer most of your questions.

UPDATES - If you are just updating a page, or fixing something that was not correct…and you know which page you are looking for, click on “Pages” on the left of the screen. (You will then get a list of all the pages in the site in alphabetical order to choose from).
  1. Choose the page you are updating.
  2. Click the “Edit”  tab right above the page and below the top menu.
  3. Make whatever changes or updates necessary.
  4. Then click “Save Draft” AND/OR “Publish” for the update to go live.

CREATE NEW - If your goal is to create new pages or content, please make sure you refer to the help guide if you are not sure what you are doing. Be aware of how your content will appear on the website once it is live, and double check it to make sure it is clear and not confusing.
  1. Click on “Pages” on the left of the screen.
  2. Click “New” if you are adding a completely new page.
  3. Choose whether it is a “Page”, “Link” or “Folder”.
    1. PAGE (
      1. Click on the page and then you will generally either start with “Blocks” or “Sections”.
      2. For creating say a new system page for the Dream Team, you would drag the block in called “Heading”, then edit to the standard to match the rest.
      3. Then add in the “text” block, etc.
      4. Followed by the acknowledgement and agreement section.
      5. LINK - is for making a “page” that when clicked on inside the live website will take the user to another place via URL Link.
      6. FOLDER - is for groups of pages or media.

IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS - If you are doing your best, you have gone over the help page and still have more questions, get stuck, etc….don’t just keep clicking and get frustrated. Call or text your team leader or pastor and get some input before you throw in the towel or mess up something by just clicking around.